2021/2022 Funded Projects


Project Funding
Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust The purpose of this project is to monitor baseline data about taonga species and develop/pilot a cultural health monitoring framework and assessment tool for groundwater, caves and karst systems in the Tākaka catchment. Wai Ora
Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust

Ngāti Pāhauwera have applied for funding to cover the costs of holding a three-day wānanga to gather ahuatanga Māori around īnanga species and habitats in their rohe.

Wai Ora
Te Wai Mauri Charitable Trust

This project is based on restoring wetland and developing/enhancing the wider Waitangi Estuary in Napier through annual restoration planting.

Wai Ora
Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust

The purpose of this project is to protect, restore and enhance mahika kai in the Waiau Catchment by providing eDNA testing of key tributaries and the use of a SHMAK kit for cultural health monitoring.

Wai Ora
Te Kaahui o Rauru

This project is iwi-led and is focussed on collating freshwater/mātauranga data gathered, understanding accessibility across the rohe, identifying sites and indicators to monitor, and articulating tangata whenua values and how they can translate into freshwater monitoring.

Wai Ora
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Charitable Trust

The purpose of this project is to monitor tuna abundance in Nelson Lakes National Park for potential customary use, including sharing mātauranga through knowledge gathering and sharing and providing learning opportunities for rangatahi to be involved.

Wai Ora
Atihau Whanganui Incorporation

This project is proposing to use the Mauri Compass assessment tool to understand past and present land-use and its effects on freshwater fisheries, taonga species and associated ecosystems in the Mangawherawhera Catchment.

Wai Ora
Hokonui Rūnanga Floriculture Limited

Hokonui Rūnanga Floriculture Limited’s project is based on water monitoring with LINZ, MBIE and DOC to create a 3 year freshwater monitoring research project to support management of Mataura Mataitai, Ka pukeo Hokonui and Haumuri catchments.

Tiaki Wai
Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust

Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust will hold a 2-day wānanga with whānau in the Putere Lakes catchment in the Hawkes Bay to learn about and monitor the presence and abundance of waikōura.

Tiaki Wai
Mangapārae Papakāinga Ecological Restoration’s

Mangapārae Papakāinga Ecological Restoration’s project is focused on restoring native vegetation and building iwi environmental education based on Te Aitanga-a-Mahaka and Ngariki values, raranga, rongoa, and connectedness with the whenua in Tairawhiti.

Tiaki Wai

2020/2021 Funded Projects


Project Funding
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara A project based in the Tarewa Pounamu area, Rotorua, focussed on planting in the riparian margins along the Utuhina Stream to help with flooding, erosion, sedimentation and prevent the growth of weeds Wai Ora
 Te Ani Waata Whānau Trust

A project based in Maungatautari focussed on the restoration of the Mangeroa Gully through wānanga, gorse spraying, and planting of native trees along the gully. 

Wai Ora
Te Maru o Kaituna

A project based in Tapuika, Bay of Plenty, focussed on protecting and enhancing the habitat of kai awa in the Kaituna River. 

Wai Ora
2021 Oturu Kaitiaki Limited (Muriwhenua Kaitiaki )

A project based in Kaitaia bringing together different hapū in the Northland region to engage kaitiaki whānau, sharing mātauranga learned in their first Wai Ora fund project, and to record baseline water quality measurements.

Wai Ora
Environs Te Uri o Hau

A project based in Whangarei based on collating mātauranga knowledge with kaitiaki and presenting their findings in a report to their Kaitiaki Forum.

Tiaki Wai
Te Aitanga o Ngā Iwi o Wharekauri

A project based in the Chatham Islands focussed on growing and planting native trees to protect tuna and whitebait habitats.

Tiaki Wai
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō

A project based at Lake Rotoroa, Nelson Lakes National Park, focussed on sampling tuna for laboratory analysis

Tiaki Wai
Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa

A project based at Lake Koitiata, Bulls focussed on developing a Cultural Health Index (CHI) system for the Lake and reconnect their people through matauranga and whakapapa.

Tiaki Wai
Te Rākatō Marae

Project based in Kaiwaitau, Mahia, focussed on enabling and enhancing kaitiaki in the rohe by providing opportunities to share ahi kaa knowledge through wānanga and building story boards with rangatahi.

Wai Ora

2019/2020 Funded Projects


Project Funding
Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa Lake Koitiata Wai Ora
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Kōura monitoring population study Tiaki Wai
Wairoa Taiwhenua Enhancement of the mauri of the Wairoa River Wai Ora
Aorangi Whānau Trust Survey and monitor Tuna within the Jerusalem area of the Whanganui River. Wai Ora
Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board Awa restoration and management strategy Wai Ora
Te Rūnanga ō Ngāti Mutunga Apply the Mauricompass assessment to the local awa to assess the its mauri and hauora Wai Ora
Mahia Māori Committee  Freshwater Monitoring plan Wai Ora
Ngāti Tarawhai Te Iwi Trust Board Assessment of koura through the use of Tau Koura Wai Ora
Te Whenua Tōmuri Trust Water monitoring of local awa Wai Ora
Muriwhenua Kaitiaki Water monitoring of local awa Wai Ora

2018/2019 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Te Arawa Lakes Trust Conduct a baseline assessment of koura through tau koura at Lake Okataina  Wai Ora
Te Whenua Tōmuri Trust Engage local kura and marae to get involved with water monitoring of local awa  Wai Ora
Whangawehi Catchment Management Group Incorporated Continuation of habitat restoration through weed control and riparian planting  Wai Ora
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Discover and understand healthy populations of koura through direct hapu/tangata whenua involvement using traditional methods of gathering (tau)  Wai Ora
Te Kotahitanga o te Atiawa Trust Upskilling hapū on traditional tau koura methods  Wai Ora
Te Wai Mauri Charitable Trust Riparian Planting and Wetland Creation  Wai Ora

2017/2018 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Whangawehi Catchment Management Group Incorporated Whangawehi Catchment Restoration Project Wai Ora
Te Puna Limited (Ngā Uri o Te Kooti Rikirangi Trust) Develop a hydrological and ecological assessment plan of Te Maungarongo wetland  Wai Ora
Te Kaahui o Rauru Te Wai Koiora: Restoring seven key waterways within Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi  Wai Ora
Te Aitanga a Mahaki Trust Assessing the mauri of Waipaoa River using the Mauri Compass  Wai Ora
Ngāti Tahu/Ngāti Whaoa Rūnanga Trust Rehabilitation and habitat location  Wai Ora
Kati Huirapa Runaka ki Puketeraki He Pātaka Waiora  Wai Ora
Hokotehi Moriori Trust Monitoring and records of fish stocks, catch, climate and weather  Wai Ora
Millan Tame Ruka Awa Restoration  Wai Ora
Mad Ave Community Trust The River Talks Wai Ora

2016/2017 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Restoration wetland habitats in the Maniapoto  Wai Ora
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Apa Restoration of the Waikakahi Stream  Wai Ora
Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust Rongowhakaata Iwi Inanga Spawning  Wai Ora
Environment River Patrol (ERP-A) Restoration of the Mangere catchment  Wai Ora
Ngati Tahu-Whaoa Rūnanga Trust Mahinga kai distribution surveys and restoration / rehabilitation opportunity identification  Wai Ora

2015/2016 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Rangiwewehi Charitable Trust Support for the revival, use, and retention of Mātauranga Māori and practices in restoring Kōaro  Wai Ora
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Undertake koura monitoring through the use of Tau Koura  Wai Ora
 Whangawehi Catchment Management Group Whangawehi Catchment Restoration Project  Wai Ora
Te Ati Awa ki Whakarongotai Index testing in the field  Wai Ora
Riri a te Hori Freshwater Fisheries Education Programme  Wai Ora
Lake Rotoaira Trust Surveying īnanga  Wai Ora
Kati Huirapa Runaka ki Puketeraki Using the GIS framework to gather environment and īnanga habitat data informed by hui  Wai Ora

2014/2015 Funded Projects

Organisation Programme Fund
Ngāti Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Koura monitoring  Wai Ora
Taiao Raukawa Īnanga habitat development  Wai Ora
Ngāti Rangi Awa Restoration  Wai Ora
Te Arawa River Iwi Trust Koura monitoring and restoration  Wai Ora

2013/2014 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa Wetland restoration  Wai Ora
Ngāti Koata Trust Various habitat restoration activities including planting, monitoring tuna heke and collecting data  Wai Ora
Riri A Te Hori 2 Ahu Whenua Trust Develop a restoration plan for a wetland in the rohe  Wai Ora
Te Ohu Tiaki o Rangitāne Te Ika a Maui Trust Geographic Information System Mapping  Wai Ora
Ngā Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine Developing a mātauranga Māori knowledge plan and understanding an enduring kaitiaki monitoring team  Wai Ora

2012/2013 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Whangawehi Catchment Management Group Incorporated Whangawehi Catchment Restoration Project Wai Ora

2009/2010 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Ngāpuhi Fisheries Limited Tuna population survey of Lake Omapere and the Utakura River Wai Ora

2008/2009 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Te Urumingi Whanau Trust Te Urumingi Ahu Whenua Tuna Farm Project Wai Ora
Waimarie o Whatitiri Marae Trust Monitoring of surface and ground water which is under pressure from the increased use of bores along the Waipao River Wai Ora
Te Rūnanga o Ngāiterangi (Tauranga Moana Iwi Customary Fisheries Management Committee) Ngā Tau Tiaki i ngā Tipuranga Tutewehiwehi Wai Ora
Poukawa Lake Trust Ensure long term sustainability of the lake for the eel stocks. Wai Ora
Te Roopu Taiao o Utakura The Utakura River Freshwater Fishery Wai Ora
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa Develop and manage freshwater fisheries. Wai Ora
Lake Whakaki Trust Nga Matauranga Me Nga Tikanga eco Research Project Wai Ora
Ngāti Hori ki Kohupatiki and Synexe Consulting Working towards determining water allocation for customary fisheries: The case of Ngāti Hori Wai Ora

2007/2008 Funded Projects

Organisation Project Fund
Te Aitanga a Mahaki Trust Upstream Migration of glass eels in the Waipaoa River 2007 Wai Ora