Maniapoto Iwi Trust

Ngā Repo o Maniapoto

Te Wai Māori Trust supported Ngā Repo o Maniapoto to develop an inventory of wetlands for part of the Maniapoto rohe that lies outside of the upper Waipā catchment, in conjunction with Tuhua Hikurangi, Mōkau ki Runga and Ngā Tai o Kāwhia Regional Management Committees. This led to the creation of a strategic framework based on mātauranga-a-hapū, values and uses, to direct restoration efforts of these important fisheries habitats both internally and externally. The inventory and framework have enabled Maniapoto to make effective and informaed decisions when allocating funding to restoration efforts.

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2019/2020 Funded Projects


Project Funding
Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa Lake Koitiata Wai Ora
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board Kōura monitoring population study Tiaki Wai
Wairoa Taiwhenua Enhancement of the mauri of the Wairoa River Wai Ora
Aorangi Whānau Trust Survey and monitor Tuna within the Jerusalem area of the Whanganui River. Wai Ora
Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board Awa restoration and management strategy Wai Ora
Te Rūnanga ō Ngāti Mutunga Apply the Mauricompass assessment to the local awa to assess the its mauri and hauora Wai Ora
Mahia Māori Committee  Freshwater Monitoring plan Wai Ora
Ngāti Tarawhai Te Iwi Trust Board Assessment of koura through the use of Tau Koura Wai Ora
Te Whenua Tōmuri Trust Water monitoring of local awa Wai Ora
Muriwhenua Kaitiaki Water monitoring of local awa Wai Ora