Lake Koitiata – Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa
About the project Lake Koitiata is a dune lake within the Rangitīkei rohe where uri of Ngāti Apa and Ngā Wairiki are the mana whenua. It represents a unique remnant of ancestral landscape within the rohe, which was once part of a large, interconnected network of tributaries, swamps and lagoons that connected te wai Māori with te moana. A once treasured source of kai for tūpuna, this project helped inform the greater aspirations of Ngāti Apa and Ngā Wairiki whānau in caring for the roto. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa (TRoNWNA) led this project funded by Te Wai Māori, working alongside the hapū of Ngā Ariki to gather mātauranga connected with Lake Koitiata. The rangahau helped to inform the development of a plan and funding strategy for hapū-led kaitiakitanga. Progress to date An initial [...]
Utuhina Stream – Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara
Overview of project Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara are a hapū of Te Arawa and hold manawhenua over the area of Tarewa Pounamu, of which the Utuhina stream runs alongside it and therefore holds a special place for our hapū. The Utuhina stream is made up of several tributaries with the main source being Karamu Takina, which was gifted by our Rangatira Raharuhi Pururu to the Rotorua Lakes Council back in the 1950’s and is now Rotorua’s main water source. The Utuhina stream flows from the western side of Tihiotonga through the western suburbs and into Lake Rotorua. This stream has stormwater drains flowing into it and has been problematic with flooding, erosion, sedimentation, and the riparian areas along Tarewa Pounamu are being overrun with pest plants. Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara have an aspiration to restore the [...]
The Mangeroa Gully Restoration – Te Ani Waata Whānau Trust
About the project The Mangeroa Gully Restoration is a bold 30-year plan to create the first green corridor from Maungatautari Sanctuary Mountain to the Waikato River. The strategy gives Ngāti Koroki Kahukura whānau and the local community opportunities to restore the Mangeroa Gully and participate in activities to create a thriving ecosystem for our wildlife, hapū, iwi, and local communities. Honehau Dargaville (age 9) reconnecting to the whenua at the first wānanga The project team is made up of three boisterous gals forever changing the landscape of home, one plant at a time! This transformation has our people at the centre and a key outcome of the project is reconnecting whānau to the whenua. The project has a strong research component that involves collating kōrero and historical texts on the significance of the gully [...]
Taonga Wai Māori Mapping Project – Environs Te Uri o Hau
About the project Mahi with Patuharakeke at Pukekauri. Te Uri o Hau Kaitiaki Bill Paikea (standing) for Otamatea Marae, identifying taonga species (tuna) Environs Holdings Ltd the environmental subsidiary of the Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust were awarded funding through the Trust’s Tiaki Wai fund. The project will draw on mātauranga and see the distribution of taonga freshwater species within the Te Uri o Hau rohe collated and mapped. A gap analysis was undertaken highlighting areas (awa and tributaries) within the rohe where more inquiry is required through species distribution surveys. The project will also help to inform how Te Mana o te Wai will be implemented within the rohe. Progress to date Data from various sources relating to past and current taonga freshwater species distributions within the Te Uri o Hau rohe [...]
Kaituna Pātaka Kai Project – Te Maru o Kaituna
The Kaituna Pātaka Kai Project is a collaboration led by tāngata whenua representatives of Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority. It is a way to preserve and revitalise mātauranga, tikanga and kawa per-taining to freshwater taonga, in particular tuna, īnanga, kōura, kōaro, and kākahi. Terekaunuku Dean Flavell, Chair of Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Te Wai Māori is funding a pilot study to enable hapū and iwi to co-develop and test a freshwater fisheries monitoring plan. It would be guided by koeke and pūkenga interviews, waiata, hītori (i.e. where kaiawa used to be) and mātauranga-based monitoring methodologies (i.e. where kaiawa are now). This would guide habitat restoration planning and establish a framework for future years. Progress to date Formation of a project team; development of a project plan and interview questions and protocols. [...]
Tuna Monitoring in Lake Rotoroa – Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō
As part of the settlement of Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō with the Crown, the iwi can harvest tuna from Nelson Lakes for customary purposes. This kaupapa combines cultural revitalisation and conservation—ensuring that tuna harvests are sustainable and increasing knowledge of the tuna populations. Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō project weighing tuna (Photo credit: Naomi Aporo-Manihera) Initially, mahi was set to begin monitoring the tuna population in Rotoroa during Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō’s September 2021 annual harvest. However, due to COVID, the harvest/monitoring was delayed and instead carried out this year on the 25th and 26th of January, as part of the iwi’s Mana Rangatahi Programme. Working with the Department of Conservation, (DOC), 14 nets were set overnight at a range of locations throughout the lake. The catch didn’t disappoint, [...]