Ngāti Tahu-Whaoa Rūnanga Trust
Mahinga kai distribution surveys and restoration / rehabilitation opportunity identification
This project builds on previous mahinga kai research and focuses on fisheries distributions surveys at key sites within Te Awa o Waikato. The results of the surveys will be used to increase knowledge of fisheries in the rohe and identify key restoration and rehabilitation sites where Ngāti Tahu-Whaoa can focus future efforts on mahinga kai rehabilitation and enhancement. The work will also incorporate mātauranga assessment tools currently being developed in conjunction with NIWA/Landcare and University of Waikato to inform the National Objectives Framework for Freshwater.
2019/2020 Funded Projects
Organisation |
Project | Funding |
Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa | Lake Koitiata | Wai Ora |
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board | Kōura monitoring population study | Tiaki Wai |
Wairoa Taiwhenua | Enhancement of the mauri of the Wairoa River | Wai Ora |
Aorangi Whānau Trust | Survey and monitor Tuna within the Jerusalem area of the Whanganui River. | Wai Ora |
Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board | Awa restoration and management strategy | Wai Ora |
Te Rūnanga ō Ngāti Mutunga | Apply the Mauricompass assessment to the local awa to assess the its mauri and hauora | Wai Ora |
Mahia Māori Committee | Freshwater Monitoring plan | Wai Ora |
Ngāti Tarawhai Te Iwi Trust Board | Assessment of koura through the use of Tau Koura | Wai Ora |
Te Whenua Tōmuri Trust | Water monitoring of local awa | Wai Ora |
Muriwhenua Kaitiaki | Water monitoring of local awa | Wai Ora |