Lake Rotoroa – Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust

2024-11-07T12:08:57+13:00November 7th, 2024|Funded Projects, Wai Ora Fund|

Ngāti Pāhauwera were recipients of the Wai Ora Fund in 2022. This story shares an update on their project. On the 20th – 21st January 2024, Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust held a wānanga at Lake Rotoroa in [...]

Lake Koitiata – Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa

2022-12-16T18:02:10+13:00December 9th, 2022|Funded Projects, Tiaki Wai Fund|

About the project  Lake Koitiata is a dune lake within the Rangitīkei rohe where uri of Ngāti Apa and Ngā Wairiki are the mana whenua. It represents a unique remnant of ancestral landscape within the rohe, which [...]

The Mangeroa Gully Restoration – Te Ani Waata Whānau Trust

2022-08-18T21:08:59+12:00August 18th, 2022|Funded Projects, Wai Ora Fund|

About the project The Mangeroa Gully Restoration is a bold 30-year plan to create the first green corridor from Maungatautari Sanctuary Mountain to the Waikato River. The strategy gives Ngāti Koroki Kahukura whānau and the local community [...]

Taonga Wai Māori Mapping Project – Environs Te Uri o Hau

2022-12-16T19:32:39+13:00August 15th, 2022|Funded Projects, Tiaki Wai Fund|

About the project Mahi with Patuharakeke at Pukekauri. Te Uri o Hau Kaitiaki Bill Paikea (standing) for Otamatea Marae, identifying taonga species (tuna) Environs Holdings Ltd the environmental subsidiary of the Te Uri o Hau [...]

Kaituna Pātaka Kai Project – Te Maru o Kaituna

2022-08-19T09:12:27+12:00April 18th, 2022|Funded Projects, Wai Ora Fund|

The Kaituna Pātaka Kai Project is a collaboration led by tāngata whenua representatives of Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority. It is a way to preserve and revitalise mātauranga, tikanga and kawa per-taining to freshwater taonga, in [...]

Tuna Monitoring in Lake Rotoroa – Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō

2022-08-19T09:12:08+12:00April 1st, 2022|Funded Projects, Tiaki Wai Fund|

As part of the settlement of Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō with the Crown, the iwi can harvest tuna from Nelson Lakes for customary purposes. This kaupapa combines cultural revitalisation and conservation—ensuring that tuna harvests are [...]

The River Talks – Ōmaru Restorative Action Project

2022-08-15T23:33:04+12:00June 9th, 2016|Funded Projects|

Overview Te Wai Māori Trust supported the Ōmaru Restorative Action Project to restore the mana of Ōmaru, a waterway in Glen Innes, Auckland. This was achieved through a three-day hui called “River Talks” held at Ruapōtaka Marae. [...]

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