About Victoria Fairweather

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So far Victoria Fairweather has created 54 blog entries.

Understanding the ugly yet noble piharau

2021-11-09T05:13:29+13:00November 9th, 2021|Uncategorized|

They’re ancient, boneless, jawless creatures with round, gaping mouths filled with tiny nightmarish teeth – but these fascinating creatures are a taonga and a delicacy and they’re under threat. “He manawa piharau” is a well known whakataukī in Taranaki. [...]

Checking in on kākahi, the little-known freshwater barometer

2021-02-09T21:28:23+13:00February 9th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Checking in on kākahi, the little-known freshwater barometer 10 February 2021 Article courtesy of Stuff.co.nz You feel it before you see it. Slinking closer, stealthily snaking its way through the cloudy water disturbed by your feet and [...]

Over 10m funding announced for waterway restoration projects

2021-01-21T00:05:51+13:00January 21st, 2021|Uncategorized|

  21 Kohitātea 2021 It has been heartening to see funding awarded to programmes that are restoring our waterways and protecting habitat for our taonga freshwater species. Over the summer, a number of collaborative programmes across iwi, [...]

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