About the project

Mahi with Patuharakeke at Pukekauri. Te Uri o Hau Kaitiaki Bill Paikea (standing) for Otamatea Marae, identifying taonga species (tuna)
Environs Holdings Ltd the environmental subsidiary of the Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust were awarded funding through the Trust’s Tiaki Wai fund. The project will draw on mātauranga and see the distribution of taonga freshwater species within the Te Uri o
Hau rohe collated and mapped. A gap analysis was undertaken highlighting areas (awa and tributaries) within the rohe where more inquiry is required through species distribution surveys. The project will also help to inform how Te Mana o te Wai will be
implemented within the rohe.
Progress to date
- Data from various sources relating to past and current taonga freshwater species distributions within the Te Uri o Hau rohe have been mapped on GIS. This has included data from the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database, īnanga spawning data and data from previous taonga species surveys.
- Mātauranga from kaitiaki of past taonga freshwater species distributions within the rohe have been mapped on GIS.
- A hui was hosted at the end of the project with Te Uri o Hau kaitiaki to discuss findings and future mahi that can be informed from the project.
- Mapped data is being utilised in other projects led by Environs Holdings Ltd including the Jobs for Nature funded Ngā Māunga Tapu project.
- Data from this project is to inform the selection of sites for water quality and taonga species monitoring in the Te Uri o Hau rohe led by kaitiaki. Kaitiaki from Te Uri o Hau will begin training for monitoring using the SHMAK kit at the end of August 2022.