Te Wai Māori Trust is concerned by the suite of changes proposed to the RMA which includes the recent Resource Management Consenting and Other System Changes Amendment Bill. Earlier this month, we provided our response to the Environment Select Committee opposing the Bill.
The amendments seek to:
- Relax the discharge rules in the RMA so that regional councils can make rules permitting discharges with significant adverse effects on aquatic life where there are already significant adverse effects on aquatic life in receiving waters.
- Amend Part 9A of the RMA so that farm plan certification and audit services are delivered by industry organisations.
- Insert a default 35-year duration for time-limited consents for renewable energy generation (including hydro and geothermal energy) and long-lived infrastructure.
This Bill, combined with other recent amendments to the RMA, undermines the work already done at a national, regional, and local level to improve water quality and the habitat of freshwater taonga. These amendments create pathways to approve projects that unacceptably degrade the taiao and undermine the rights and interests of iwi and hapū.
To learn more about this kaupapa and our position, you’ll find our full response on our website.